Vissza /

The Fall Of America

There is increasing interest in more than one prophecy about America, where God's judgement of America is meted out. Many believe ongoing Russia/America tensions may play a part in God's judgement of the United States. The United States’ destruction is alluded to in Revelation 18, as well as other scriptures. This video is based on a dream from God, by a very poor woman in Nepal, which she sent to Voice in a letter. It is not a prophecy in itself, but it paints a realistic picture of destructio

Kategória: Rajzfilm

A film hossza: 00:06:26 (Ha most elindítod a lejászást, 17:58 -ra lesz vége a filmnek.)

Megtekintve: 12 alkalommal

Feltöltve: 2020-08-20 00:00:00 (4 éve)

Hasonló Rajzfilm