Vissza /

The Last ReformationNew Hope or aDying Church

New religious movements and religious groups pop up all the time. It’s easy to condemn them all as false prophets and false teachers. To be fair, we must examine each one in the light of Jesus’ teachings. One such group is The Last Reformation, a Christian fellowship that claims to follow Christ by following the disciples in Acts. This video seeks to examine how they line up with the Book of Acts as well as the teachings of Jesus.

Kategória: Rajzfilm

A film hossza: 00:33:31 (Ha most elindítod a lejászást, 10:07 -ra lesz vége a filmnek.)

Megtekintve: 8 alkalommal

Feltöltve: 2020-08-13 00:00:00 (4 éve)

Hasonló Rajzfilm