Sincerity What God Is Looking For
Do you ever ask yourself, "What does God want from me?". Asking that question separates you from the rest of the religious and secular world, because it's exactly what God is looking for. God wants us to be seriously interested in what it is that HE wants, and no so much in what it is that we want. This is what it takes to be a Christian, and yet many Christians do not do it. If you want to be a follower of Jesus Christ, this introduction to faith and sincerity will set you on the right path.
Kategória: Rajzfilm
A film hossza: 00:14:36 (Ha most elindítod a lejászást, 20:09 -ra lesz vége a filmnek.)
Megtekintve: 11 alkalommal
Feltöltve: 2020-08-17 00:00:00 (4 éve)