The Most Important Job The Liberator #9
"The Most Important Job" is a continuation of the Liberator comic, an original cartoon story covering Luke 10:38 to Luke 11:13. It includes the story of Mary and Martha and the need to get your priorities right, in addition to how disciples of Jesus are meant to pray (The Lord's Prayer). It concludes with Jesus instructing his followers to "ask, seek and knock" - or, in other words, be persistent in asking for God's Holy Spirit.
Kategória: Rajzfilm
A film hossza: 00:03:00 (Ha most elindítod a lejászást, 11:34 -ra lesz vége a filmnek.)
Megtekintve: 11 alkalommal
Feltöltve: 2020-07-14 00:00:00 (4 éve)