Getting Right With God BEFORE Jesus Returns2
This two part message clears up 3 misunderstandings relating to prophecy. From exploring the destruction of America, to exposing the prepping lie, to discussing what membership in a new type of End Time suicide cult looks like, this video will get you thinking. Find out what it takes to be a member of the 144000 and to follow the Lamb in these times! The big question is are you ready to do what it takes to get right with God right now?
Kategória: Rajzfilm
A film hossza: 00:11:27 (Ha most elindítod a lejászást, 01:30 -ra lesz vége a filmnek.)
Megtekintve: 22 alkalommal
Feltöltve: 2020-05-25 00:00:00 (4 éve)